Ann Glinn

Friday 21st May 2021

Penryn Camera club hosted two events this week, the first a workshop on basic Photoshop techniques at “The Space”. This proved popular, so Victor planned a follow-up workshop; finding a picture within a picture and resizing it to club standards. On Thursday we met, via Zoom due to Covid still, although we are planning to meet in person through the summer.

This week we had a relaxed brief; smoke or movement or frozen movement. Several members submitted images covering both smoke and frozen movement. Out-of-camera competitions are harder as we can crop or straighten so no cloning or blurring of distractions! This week’s worthy winner was Full steam ahead by Ann Glinn.

The evening ended with a discussion on camera settings to take pictures of the moon. We also discussed potential future events such as a shoot at the Great Flat Lode. Wendy, adept at herding cats, forced us into committing to some dates and times as she manages our future program.

Please check our website or Facebook pages (just search for Penryn Camera Club on Google or Facebook) and join us - your first couple of visits are free and if you join annual membership is great value.

Full steam ahead by Ann Glinn.
