Paul Cooper

Friday 25th September

Updated: Nov 6, 2020

The Penryn Camera Club weekly lockdown competition this week was Water.

This subject forces the “art” in the art of photography. Do you want to freeze the water and see every droplet (as the winning picture)? (Set camera to auto often works, or S (shutter speed) to 1/250 or more, perhaps even 1/1000). You may have to increase the ISO setting when using fast shutter speeds to get a large area in focus, which requires a large f stop number.

Do you want milky flowing water? If so you have to set the shutter speed to 1/15 or slower - even up to 1 or 2 seconds.  Keep your ISO as low as possible (gives you a relatively small aperture, (large f stop number), larger area in focus) and, of course, use a tripod.  You may also need a neutral density filter if shooting in bright light.

The composition is also key - portrait format often works well with waterfalls (we often shoot in landscape (wider than tall) format).

This week’s winner was our chairman Victor with a pin-sharp image of water droplets in the Diana Memorial Fountain. Remember this is still out-of-camera (no editing enhancements).  

Next week’s category is Memories.  What would you submit from your images? New members are always welcome, see
