Paul Cooper

Friday 2nd October

Updated: Nov 1, 2020

The Penryn Camera Club successfully held its first virtual meeting this week, starting with a virtual natter around the group before launching into one of Derek Godridge’s excellent slideshows of a visit to Alicante. 

We also completed this week's lockdown competition; Memories. You can see all the images here;

I wondered how to write photographic content to the category “memories” until I started looking for an image. One massive shortfall I have is keywords. This makes finding a specific image over several drives tedious. Most editing programs let you tag a rating to your image.  I’m good at tagging one (awful) to five (exceptional). Reasonable at deleting the 1’s … but keywords - I’d get a D- (could do better).

It’s easy to do and many editing programs allow keyword editing. Think; the event, the place and you can block-add suitable keywords to a batch of images.  Next, think; the subject, people, objects, and you can update smaller blocks.  Finally, skip down individual images (especially 5’s and 4’s) and add individual descriptive words.  These travel inside the image file and many desktops and web programs use them.  It’s time well spent, and something for me to work on.

This week’s winner was, once again, our chairman Victor with “Giggles”.   Next week’s category is Fire.  What would you submit from your images? 
