Paul Cooper

Friday 7th May 2021

Thursday’s meeting started as it went on, with laughter and humour as we settled in, sorted our video links and caught up a little.

We started with a reminder that this weeks competition is flowers/plants with entries to Victor by Noon Wednesday. Victor discussed the possibility of morning workshops in The Space with a trial workshop on Photoshopping for a couple of hours.

Maru offered some advice on security with our Zoom meetings and it was generally agreed her current process was great and no need to change anything.

Victor started the main event with a review of general camera viewfinder options, how to change things, add grids, etc. and what the various controls did. Moving on we reviewed the ‘grab shots’ members had submitted. We found pictures within pictures and discussed how to leave our cameras after a session so they were “hot” if needed urgently. For example; set things back to ‘auto’ and check the lens is clean.

The evening wound up with some of Victor’s images where he had superimposed a grid of thirds so it was clear how this technique worked. Some learning, some laughter and (for me at least) some wine - a great way to spend Thursday evening.

Lauren Jayne Beel

The rule of thirds grid below shows why the above picture works so well. Victor said if her ring was on the bottom third crossover it would be a slightly better picture.

Lauren Jayne Beel with a rule of thirds grid overlay
