Wendy Bate

Newsletter #47 05/02/2021

Hi Everyone
Well done to Julia for her winning Lockdown II image “Coleton Fishacre” !

PCC News of the Week:
Author – Paul Cooper
Fourteen folk attended the Zoom meeting last night and I started the evening by taking those present around the website page-by-page. Hopefully I was quite gentle for those members not confident on the web, and I hope members learned its OK to hit a few buttons or images and see what happens. If anyone has any improvement suggestions (e.g. from other camera clubs) they are more than welcome to email me. Also Victor pushed the profiles page again and I am happy to upload and massage any content for any member (including you [Derek] if you have changes).

The second half of the evening was a run-through of the 19 lockdown images with Victor selecting victims to critique the images as they rolled across the screen. The winning image this week was 16 Coleton Fishacre by Julia. There was a lot of banter and laughter and it was a very enjoyable evening.

Next week we have Victor taking us through some Photoshop software actions which should help members get to grips with some of the more basic editing features available to users. Don’t forget to ASK Victor to repeat any if you don’t understand!

Competition News

1) I know we haven’t had KF2 yet but don’t forget that KF3 will also be coming round shortly so you might want to think about sorting your “Open” subject images.

2) A bit short notice but coming up is the WCPF Knightshayes Trophy subject “Togetherness” with a hand in date of Sat 13th February, details to follow, but members can send in TWO free images 1600 x1200 px to knightshayes.wcpf@gmail.com.

3) Don’t forget the subject for next week’s Lockdown III is “Sport scene”.

Now over to Wendy Bate ...
My Learning Experience, Joining Penryn Camera Club - PART 2.

CLUB MEMBER’S EVENINGS. These are evenings where club Members are asked to show their images and give a talk about them. This can range from Travel Images, Holiday places, Photo shop sessions, Favourite locations etc etc, whatever the person wants to talk about and show, and we have had some very interesting evenings with our own members, Derek, Jan, Ann, Keith, Maru, to name just a few, and Victor for Photoshop, he is brilliant with it, as you will find out.

I have sat for hours with him watching him work his magic, and it’s amazing, but not really “my thing”, my computer skills are rubbish, mainly I have very little patience. I have my eye on you Jeanette for next season, you have shown some amazing images on FB and the club members need to share them with you, you have been to so many wonderful places and the scenery is out of this world, so start organising my love, you have been warned !!!

COMPETITIONS WITH OTHER CLUBS. These are called BATTLES. Usually one other club involved, although we do have a 3 way battle with Truro and Falmouth CC once a year).Each club shows a maximum of 30 images in total, 15, prints, 15 Digitally projected images. On the evening, a person from each club is in charge of keeping tally of the points given by the Judge and at the end of the evening, conferring they have agreed on the total. The highest number of points is the winner. In a 3 way battle only 10 images each in both sections for each club, so the total images always remain at 30 in total. Images for the Outside Competitions are chosen by Committee Members who are on the Judging Panel. Members who are interested, can always ask to come along to observe how the selection team chooses the images if they wish. (Ask Victor).

FUN EVENINGS. There are various fun evenings throughout the year, and in the past, we have had, Men versus Women, ( you won’t believe the noise, the comments, banter and the fun we all have on such a night, talk about World War 2, that’s nothing !!!!!). Mandy organises a General Knowledge Quiz night, usually towards the end of the year when all competitions have been completed, ( a little cheating goes on too!!). Mandy also organises, a “Lucky Dip” competition, which is usually 3 or 4 times during the year.
Members pick out a subject from her Lucky dip bag and you have to photograph whatever that subject is. Mandy collates them from the hand in evening and a few weeks later the results are shown to the members.

WCPF and CPA. These are the governing bodies of the Camera club and Derek has given out this information thoroughly in your “ welcome pack “ to the club. It’s something you will grasp as time goes on in the club but, of no great concern to you in the beginning unless you want to enter competitions such as the Knightshayes Trophy mentioned above.

During the Summer months, when the club is on a break from the Winter/Spring programme, we try to make interesting places to visit together and have enjoyable days in each others’ company taking photographs. We also meet up for Sunday lunches occasionally and around the Christmas Festivities, we have a Christmas Lunch in a local Hotel or whatever place has been suggested, these lunches are organised by Julia. If you have any new and fresh ideas for club outings etc, please let me or a Committee Member Know, as all ideas are gratefully received and can then be discussed with the Members.

OTHER IDEAS. For the first 5 or so years on joining the club, I stuck my head in Photographic Magazines and never picked up any fiction material books which, I like to read, everything was all about Photography, as I had so much to learn. As my sister in law claims, “ You soak everything up like a sponge !!!”, I learnt a huge amount from Victor too and it’s a great achievement to me now, if I see the same thing in images as he does and I always say to him, “ you taught me well”.

Everyone can learn something new about photography every day just by listening to someone else, even those who think they do know it all, and there are plenty of those around. Enjoy your photography and continue taking images that appeal to you, everyone has their own favourite genre, and it doesn’t matter what your most enjoyable subject is, enjoy it all. The Club will hopefully be an enjoyable experience for you as you are sharing it with other people who have the same interest and love of photography and will enjoy helping you along and to share their experiences and tips with you. We are all a very happy friendly and a lot of fun bunch of people which, we want you all to enjoy. Good hunting for images and as Carol and I say to each other, “Keep Clicking”. Oh! for the day, when we can all get out and about again and travel to beauty spots and take photographs, I miss it all so much and miss meeting up with all the lovely Members in our club on a Thursday evening. Hope we can meet up soon.

I hope this has been a useful summery for you, the new Members and perhaps a refresher course for the existing Me !

See you soon Wendy

Some images from club events;

