Paul Cooper

Newsletter NL197 Friday 29th March 2024

Temporary editor: Paul (with help)

Derek is on holiday enjoying the sunshine, probably taking street photography, and

drinking wine, so the B-team is in charge - Normal service will be resumed soon.

PCC News – Several topics this week

John Yarrow

John Yarrow ably demonstrated a competition management system that relieves a LOT of work from the competition secretary. If you were not there, details follow. PLEASE try uploading an image during the next two-week free trial to see if you find it easy, and be ready to give some feedback on your experience. To authorise you needs your name, your PCC Membership number and your email address.

I received my invitation this morning, added a password and an image without any issue what-so-ever. A really easy system to use.

In common with many other camera clubs, Penryn Camera Club is considering adopting the PhotoEntry System forfuture competitions. You can find awealth of information on PhotoEntry’s

website – Resizing an image to 1600 x 1200 has caused problems for some members in the past. We shall configure PhotoEntry so that it will automatically resize (down).

A full explanation is below and attached in the accompanying ‘PhotoEntry notes for PCC.pdf’. The more members that try the system, the more we can be sure it is right for us - please give it a go. If you forget the link it is on our web page under External links.

Steve Clarke

For the second part of the evening Steve showed us some frankly incredible images focusing on surfing. To be honest I never thought waves could be that big at Marazion and Porthleven. Some nifty long lens work helped us understand the excitement and techniques of surfing and kite surfing. This was bolstered considerably by Steve's knowledge of the sport, the people (lunatics?) thundering down the watery slopes, and the equipment and boards they were using.

Image credit; Steve Clarke

Steve ended the evening with shots of body painting both locally and abroad where incredible artists spent 6-8 hours creating masterpieces. Some truly phenomenal work. The colourful and creative costumes complemented the artwork and it was impossible to see where reality stopped and paint began.

Part of a pre-meeting email that made me laugh out loud so I thought I would share it with you; I understand that part of Thursday evening is about ‘Body Art’. Should I bring my crayons and, if I do, should I warm them up first?

CPA annual competition

The selection committee took nearly three hours to review a multitude of club images for the upcoming CPA annual competition on Saturday 18th May, 13:30, in the Burrell Theatre, Truro, TR1 1TH. Hint . 😂Things we considered (apart from image quality and wow factor) are submitting a selection of images from all genres, from different photographers, strikingly different from one another and the standard “saw ten of those last week”. For some reason, we would do well in a competition on owls!

“If we enter this one we cannot enter that one - which to choose?”“I like that - yeah, shame the feet are missing!”“How many are in that pile?” (for some reason the “yes” pile had to be counted about 50 times).

Prints went up, prints came down, prints went up, prints came down. Bums became numb before we even started on the digital images.

Eventually, just before we broke out the rum, we nailed it. Thank you to all members for making the job hard. Congratulations to the FIFTEEN !! members who had their image(s) selected. Were you one? Find out at the event. Everybody else, it was a close run thing - we were more than 100% over-subscribed for entries on our first pass and had to exclude some impressive imagery. Please support the club if you can (wearing our badges, if you have them) on Sat 18th 13:30 in Truro.

LIMITED parking here (carshare if possible);

Kingswood Salver

The selection committee have decided to think about a ‘reduced stress’ entry from existing images this year BUT we will try a “full club involvement entry” again next year. As a reminder, these are five images from five photographers making a “set” that gel together. The specification next year will be; Something strongly Cornish taken during the golden hour.

Remember; The golden hour, sometimes called the "magic hour", is roughly the first hour of light after sunrise, and the last hour before sunset. During each golden hour, the light changes remarkably quickly, and your scene can look vastly different after just a few minutes. Rather than taking one or two shots and then heading home, stay for the entire hour and capture the full range of effects. Choose one or two of your best and edit them if you prefer. Resizing is NOT required as these will be printed, at club cost. Been to more than one Cornish location? Fine, enter the best for each. Recycle for our standard competitions.

More details at the start of next season, but start thinking (and photographing) from now.

Website Corner

Some of you noticed the website was down for a while - that has been fixed. Also our address was stolen by pirates who wanted £15,000 to return it! Its ownership recently lapsed and we have nicked it back so either or works to find us (relinking to many old PCC images across the web).

PCC Social News – Karen Burton

  • April 4th Barbara Jenkins is coming to visit - For a presentation evening.We will be holding a raffle that evening so please donate any prizes you may have. We would be very grateful!

  • Friday May 24th is going to be an event held at Falmouth Court, Dracaena Avenue, Falmouth. 6.30pm till 8.00pm.

  • Karen would like some volunteers to bring some images along to show or put some digitals on a memory stick to show our lovely residents. Please advise her if you are interested in helping make a lovely evening to show our talents and make a connection to the community

PCC Diary Dates:

  • Thursday 4th April – Illustrated Talk with Barbara Jenkin An interesting evening with Barbara showing us how she creates her amazing photos

  • Thursday 11th April – Mandy’s Quiz

  • Sunday 23rd June; Tentatively 13:00. Presentation Lunch at the golf club.


    Karen is also looking for ideas for evening walks/events in May. Reasonable parking, something to photograph, possibly with a pub involved? She is good, but needs a bit of inspiration so ......

Other Musings:

"Photography is the art of capturing moments that inspire, provoke thought, and evoke emotion. In each frame lies a story waiting to be told, a beauty waiting to be revealed, and a memory waiting to be cherished."

Source; ChatGPT (Artificial Intelligence) 🤫

Cornwall Photographic Alliance (CPA)

  • CPA Inter-Club Competition and Exhibition @ The Keay Theatre, (Cornwall College) St Austell. 18th May 2024 doors open at 13:15Images for this have now been selected - thank you for your contributions.

Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF)

  • Sunday 5th May 2024 Executive Meeting & Opening of Members Exhibition

Saturday 6th April The 2024 Audio Visual Competition at Woodbury Village Hall, See Link for details

And finally ....

Easter is almost here, Eat too many eggs, enjoy time off work with your families and the various services for the diverse denominations in our community. Take pictures!

Remember there is no such thing as a stupid question – Just Ask!

All the best Paul and the Team

PhotoEntry notes

Penryn Camera Club PhotoEntry

In common with many other camera clubs, Penryn Camera Club is considering adopting the PhotoEntry System for future competitions. PhotoEntry is a subscription based web application specifically designed for managing photography competitions. We hope it will help eliminate many of the common problems associated with submitting entries – incorrect sizing, incorrect colour space, incorrect naming, confirmation of receipt, missing emails etc.

You can find a wealth of information on PhotoEntry’s website – The Welcome page explains why the system was developed, the Concept page shows how it works and the FAQ page gives a lot more specific information.

The Administrator will enroll paid-up members with PhotoEntry and the system will automatically send an email and log-in details to each member. It will ask you to choose a password but this can be changed at any time after the first log-in.

Having accessed the site you will see a list of all the competitions scheduled for the season. These will each be marked ‘Future’, ‘Open’, ‘Closed’ or ‘Judged’. You will only be able to add, modify or delete images in a competition where the status is ‘Open’.

Resizing an image to 1600 x 1200 has caused problems for some members in the past. We shall configure PhotoEntry so that it will automatically resize (down) a submitted image so it can be accepted. Do bear in mind that automatic resizing may cause a reduction in image quality and it is always preferable to do any resizing yourself. Should the system need to alter the size of an image it will warn the photographer that there may have been some degradation. Please note that images must be in JPEG format and the system cannot handle images greater than 10MB.

You will need to supply a title for your image and you will also have the option of giving a reference number for your own use. (Eg. I would find it useful to note the file number of my image or the date it was taken.) After a competition it has been customary to publish the images on the club’s website. When you put an image in PhotoEntry you will have the option to decide whether or not your image may be published. If you do give permission you can also decide what other information may be published and whether or not you would like the image watermarked.

‘Dummy’ Competition

To check the system and to highlight any problems, we shall be running a dummy competition over the next week. It will be a digital only competition with a maximum entry of three images per class per person. The closing date will be Saturday 6th April. If you would like to take part, please put your name and email address on the entry sheet tonight or send an email to You are not expected to submit ‘competition quality’ images – anything will do just to check we know what we are doing before the next season gets underway. This competition will be ‘judged’, probably by a pin but only so we can check downstream parts of the program.

NB - Members without internet access will be able to submit their entries for all competitions directly to the competition secretary but their deadline will be seven days earlier than the PhotoEntry deadline.

John Yarrow
