Jan Godridge

Newsletter Week 22

Updated: Nov 6, 2020

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to my contribution to the Penryn Camera Club newsletter. 

When it was first announced by the government that we all had to stay in our homes until further instruction, we felt very isolated from friends and family.

But as restrictions eased, some of us were lucky enough to be able to have a daily walk in the surrounding area and discovered flower filled footpaths and quiet places that we had never known existed

With the absence of speeding cars on the quiet country roads and droning aeroplanes in the clear blue sky, our senses were enhanced. 

We observed  the unfurling of bright green spring buds on bare trees, birdsong that filled the woods, we watched ploughing of fields and new green blades emerging from the dusty soil.

It felt as if we had time travelled back to Victorian Cornwall, one that had a slower, seasonal approach to the rhythms of the countryside.  

Curious cattle lowed softly as we passed them by and I thought it was all a magical and unique experience.

Of course there is still the threat of the virus and many visitors here that would usually be stretched out on a beach in foreign climes. But we are fortunate to live in a beautiful part of the world and as it is summer, the sun is shining and the rain is definitely warmer. 

Here’s hoping that we can all be together again soon and enjoy the chat and our cup of tea. 

Socially distanced hugs for you all,

Jan x
