Wendy Bate

Newsletter Week 23

Updated: Nov 6, 2020

Hello everyone,

Having agreed to do a write up for Derek this week, yesterday, I sat with pen and paper to try and think of something I could write about which would be of interest to you, but, having to follow the excellent write ups from our previous Member’s contributions, reading mine through, I decided it was a load of rubbish!!!!. So, today, I have decided to write about THE CLUB, which we are all a part of, as I am sure you are all wondering as I am, if and when we will be returning to our Thursday evenings get together in the coming months.

Derek, Victor, Mandy and Keith, have had a few Committee meetings and between them, they are trying to get things all sorted out for us, but with some of the restrictions changing almost overnight by the Government, they are in a difficult position making arrangements for our club, and obviously, only want to do things with the approval of The Members..

As you know, the AGM has not been able to take place yet and also the Presentation of the Certificates and Trophies to the recipients but, no doubt we will know more after the Committee have met again this week, and they can make plans for us all, which we may be required to give our opinions to if asked. If this is the case, I hope you will all REPLY to any questions which the Committee may require us to answer, as the bottom line is, IT IS OUR CLUB and it’s up to us all to work as a team for the benefit of Penryn Camera Club, which we all enjoy so much. Once the Committee has all our opinions, they will be able to make arrangements for The club much easier as a way forward during these most difficult times, we are all having to face.

The Programme was almost completed but, no doubt alterations will have to be made to suit the situation we now find ourselves in. Boris doesn’t always get things right or some of the Members of his Government, so you can see what our Committee have to adjust to, to get it right for us all, so if we are asked to help in any way, I do hope you will do so, as all ideas and contributions will be of help to them in their decisions.

The Lockdown Competition has kept us all busy selecting images and keeping us all together. I must say, I have had great difficulty in picking a favourite as there has been so many great images put forward each week, so selecting just ONE, has been quite a task as I could have picked out 3 or 4 which were also in my selection of finalists. It’s lovely having the Newsletter each week too, at the start of the epidemic, I looked forward to Thursday evenings, it was the high light of my week, clapping for the NHS at 8-00pm and then waiting in anticipation for the Newsletter email to arrive later that evening. (You can see what a sad life I had in those early days of Lockdown !!! haha!!, now you know why I had nothing to write about !!). Jeanette, Derek and Jan, did brighten my days with their photos they put on Facebook showing where they had been walking each day.

It was lovely to see the Spring flowers and trees coming into bloom and to peep at the outside world, which was far better than all the doom and gloom from the news on TV we had to listen to each day.

On behalf of all the Members, I would like to say a big Thank You to Derek, for stepping up as secretary and once more to help keep Penryn Camera Club on an even Keel and I know he has an excellent team with him to help him in arranging better times for our club.

I do hope I haven’t bored the pants off you all, but Penryn Camera Club is important to us all, we enjoy the company, the photography and the social events, when we can all be together and enjoy our hobby. I do miss seeing you all and I hope you all are staying safe and healthy and keeping clear of all the Holiday makers that are crowding up our lovely county at the moment. Hopefully in the not too distant future, we will have Cornwall back to ourselves once more.

Wendy Bate
