This week was a practical evening where members of the Penryn Camera Club bring their cameras and manuals and receive help in understanding some mystifying setting. For example; the rule of thirds grid, which allows the camera to help us frame better out-of-camera shots.
We organised into Clans - the Nikon clan, the Cannon clan etc. and we learned how to lever our camera off the Auto setting into P, A and S modes. The evening concentrated on A (Aperature) and how more, or less, of an object can be in focus by adjusting the F-stop.
This allows photographers to highlight a subject, ensuring it is in focus but the background (sometime close background) is blurred.
We handed in digital and print images for our second formal Ken Farnell competition. This will be externally judged and we will see the results on 10th February.
Next week we are already looking forward to a talk on Wildlife Photography by Bill Hall.
If you would like to join us and enjoy our events, start via our website and look for the Contact Us form on the top menu bar.
Although not sent to the newspapers, and being of fairly poor quality (I blame the poor lighting :-) ) I've included a couple of extra mobile phone images here for those that read these blogs .....