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Newsletter #60 7th May 2021

Editor - Derek Godridge with Guest Author Paul Cooper

PCC News of the Week:

On thanking the paper for our full page spread this week I received the following reply;

Image of the year Falmouth Packet write-up

My pleasure. I really like having quality photos in the Packet so it was great to make a nice page out of them. Though I had a bit of a struggle to squeeze the ninth one in, as eight fitted the template perfectly but I didn’t want to leave that one person out! Hence why one is a little small, but the best I could manage within the restrictions.

Are your members all part of our Packet Camera Club on Facebook do you know? We run two pages of photos each week that are posted to the group and then an eight-page special once a month, so it might be another way of getting their photos in the paper, if any are interested?

I know several club members already post to this group, but if you have not yet found it search Facebook for Packet Camera Club. It’s free to join and a good way to show some of your photographs.


Last night’s meeting started as it went on, with laughter and humour as we settled in, sorted our video links and caught up a little.

Maru offered some advice on security with our Zoom meetings and it was generally agreed her current process was great and there was no need to change anything. The fallback plan, should we get breached, is Maru would simply close that meeting instantly and we would meet the following week.

Victor started the main event with a review of general camera viewfinder options, how to change things, add grids etc. and what the various controls did. We then reviewed the ‘grab shots’ members had submitted. We found pictures within pictures and discussed how to leave our cameras at the end of a session so they were “hot” if needed urgently. For example - set things back to ‘auto’ and check the lens is clean.

The evening wound up with some of Victor’s images where he had superimposed a grid of thirds so it was very clear how this technique worked. Some learning, some laughter and (for me at least) some wine - a great way to spend Thursday evening.

Victor went on to discuss the possibility of morning/evening workshops in The Space with a trial workshop on Photoshopping.

Dates are somewhat fluid at the moment and members need to let Victor know their preferences as to dates/times. Either 19th or 21st May for a couple of hours.

Next week’s meeting will be a Zoom with the results of the Flowers/Plants competition and discussion.


The next Lockdown competition is on Thursday 13th May with the subject being Flowers/Plants editing IS allowed - all entries need to be sent to Victor LATEST midday Wednesday 12th May.

Best wishes Derek & Paul



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