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Newsletter #65 11th June 2021

Editor - Derek Godridge and guest authors Paul Cooper & Wendy Bate PCC News of the Week:

  1. As you know from last week we are getting an Exhibition for Penryn Fair Day and for those of you who don’t know how our Annual Exhibition/Show works, Wendy has included a super write up below for you with all the details.

  2. No apologies for including DS Colour Lab link again and if you need any help just call me on 07788590141:


  1. You are encouraged to think about joining the committee as all posts will be up for grabs, you just need a proposer and seconder – more information coming shortly.

  2. Last night we had a Committee meeting to discuss various issues including our upcoming AGM and “lessons learned” from our Zoom meetings etc. We are also planning our Annual Awards Luncheon so that should not only be Fun but also good value !! Look out for more soon.

  3. 17th June - Swanpool meet at the carpark 7pm for a quiet wander and shoot.

  4. On 24th June we have a mystery speaker !


The next competition is OPEN with manipulation allowed for the 1st July – entries by Midday 30th June latest to Victor please.

Cornwall Photographic Alliance (CPA) Diary Dates 20th November 2021 CPA Nature & Wildlife Competition – Hand-in 17th September NB This subject will be included in next season’s programme to nudge you into trying your hand at both Nature and Wildlife

Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF)

Just a note for you all – as our club is a member of the CPA, we are affiliated to the WCPF, and hence can enter WCPF competitions and/or apply for “Distinctions” by producing a sample of high quality images of either digital or Prints. If you want to consider doing the latter, the WCPF Website has details of an online Workshop here:

There are various levels of Distinctions starting with the “CPAGB” - as in Credit Photographic Alliance Gt Britain. Once gained the photographer can use those letters for the remainder of their life without any further payment or membership requirement! I am very happy to assist anyone wishing to go down that path any time. Wendy Bate on PCC’s Exhibition / Show Exhibition at Penryn Town Hall.

(This was over 3 days, along with some photos from 2019).


Usually a few weeks before the date, members bring their selected PRINTS to the club to be exhibited, usually 4 per member. These are boxed and ready to take to the Town Hall. We own our own stands and these are Kept at The Space. The television from the club, is used at the Exhibition, which shows all digital images throughout are current year, and they run continuously throughout the day.

On the day, it is “all hands” to help with the setting up at the Town Hall. Derek and Victor load up their cars (with extra help from members), with the equipment needed from The Space and transport it to the Town Hall. We all set to unloading, and then preparing the room, erecting the stands along the length of the room.

Once these are in place, then the prints, having had Velcro stuck to the back of them, are then placed on the screens. ( cutting up the Velcro is another chore to be prepared).

erecting the stands

Carol’s Grandaughter Charlotte (published with her parent’s permission)

In the meantime, Derek is our “CLUB PHOTOGRAPHER” and he sets up his camera and lights for taking portraits of people who pay us a visit and would like their photos taken, he also explains photography to anyone who is interested.

Photo of Carol’s Grandaughter Charlotte (published with her parent’s permission)

Meanwhile, Victor is busy setting up his laptop etc. and during the day, he shows people his photo editing skills and assist if they show interest or ask him questions on Photography. Julia and Jan, keep us all in supply of tea, coffee and biscuits, which Jan has shopped for. Julia also takes our orders for lunch from Pip’s pasty shop.

Once everything is set up, we open the doors for the start of our Exhibition and we usually have the Town Mayor officially “Open” the Exhibition.

we usually have the Town Mayor officially “Open” the Exhibition.

Slips of paper are given to people as they enter, and these have been printed out to show them to vote for their “Favourite Image”, along with their contact details, in case they are the winners and we can contact them.

vote for their “Favourite Image”

They place their voting slips in a box supplied and at the end of the day this is opened with the Chairman and/or the President picking out the winner. They are then gifted the image they voted for. Additionally, all the slips of paper will be kept and a list is made of all the numbers of the images voted for with the results being announced out at the club on a meeting evening.

socializing with the public to make the visitors feel welcome.

During the day, there is a rota system of Members to man the fort and help out socializing with the public to make the visitors feel welcome. Additionally, to help promote the club and try to interest the more keener visitors in joining us.

When we have a 3 day Exhibition, a rota system is needed, but as this year is only a ONE day event, there are usually plenty of members ready and willing to assist. Once everything is over, then, it’s all hands to the deck once more as everything has to be packed away and returned to The Space with the Town Hall left clean and tidy.

Cheers Derek and Wendy



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