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Newsletter #89 Friday 26th November 2021

Editor - Derek Godridge PCC News of the Week:

First off the result of our inter-club “Battle” with Truro and Falmouth last Monday evening when we came a respectable Third ! However, we did WIN the Print competition with the best from 30 prints as below:

Astoria Bridge, Oregon - Derek Godridge Penryn CC
Astoria Bridge, Oregon - Derek Godridge Penryn CC

There was a very good representation from our club members so thanks so much for your support. It was a very tightly judged competition with marks ranging from 15 up to 20 and the judge Wendy Allard FRPS had some very useful comments for the photographers who made the images. Those comments and scores will be reviewed at next week’s Thursday meeting.

At this week’s meeting there was a query regarding the posting of the results for the CPA Nature and Wildlife Competition and I have contacted Ian Smith who was the organiser of the competition and asked when they will be available.


  1. Last night’s meeting was a really useful practical, initially led by Wendy who asked members to randomly select 3 prints from our store, critique them to members and then place them 1,2,3. This proved very informative and helpful not only for the “judge” but also for other members who were chipping in with their own comments on how the images might be improved.

  2. The second half of the meeting centred around myself using our big screen to crop images from our KF1 entries. This came about due to Mike Halsey’s fairly consistent comments regarding how many of the KF1 images could be improved by simply cropping them to assist in creating greater emphasis on the subject. Again being able to work together to provide alternative crops helped members visualise many of the images differently and provide more powerful images.

  1. Next week 2nd December, at the request of members we will be continuing this week’s review and critique of work but focussing more on the 3 way Battle images and Wendy Allard’s comments to see what lessons can be learned.


  1. The next FUN competition is Mandy’s “lucky Dip” with more “dipping” on the 2nd and judging on 9th December

  2. The next CPA competition is the Charles Hosken digital open Competition with a hand- in date of 16th December. You can submit up to 4 images at 50p each and enter any image so long as it hasn’t been previously entered in previous years.

  3. The KF2 competition for January 2022 will be a set subject “Simplicity” so hopefully you are starting to get your work together.

Reminder - KF2 Changes:

KF2 - HAND-IN Thursday 20th January 2022. SET SUBJECT - SIMPLICITY - PRINT - 1 No. Print - can either be Colour or Mono

SET SUBJECT - SIMPLICITY - DIGITAL - 1 No. Digital Image - can be Colour or Mono OPEN DIGITAL - 1 No Digital Image - can be Colour or Mono OPEN OFF CAMERA (No Photo Editing) - 1 No. Digital Image

TOTAL OF 4 IMAGES for KF2 Diary Dates PCC

  • Thursday 2nd December – Member’s evening Prints and Digital joint critique.

  • Thursday 9th December – Mandy’s Lucky Dip Competition

Cornwall Photographic Alliance (CPA)

  • 16th December Hand-in – Charles Hosken Competition

Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF)

  • TBA

Cheers for now Derek

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