Editor - Derek Godridge PCC News of the Week:
In our chairman’s absence, Wendy kicked off the meeting with some updating of latest news on member’s health etc and reminded members of the impending move to Penryn FC in the new year.
Karen was welcomed back to outline the next few weeks’ programme. An important upcoming event is a Cream Tea being organised to celebrate our final meeting on the 16th of December at The Space ! Geoffrey is organising the food, but as per her recent email, please let KAREN know how many of you will be coming which does include the option to bring a guest(s).
Finally, for now, Derek advised that he still hasn’t received information regarding the actual hand-in for the Charles Hosken competition and will chase up again, but please carry on preparing your images in accordance with the normal rules etc which are briefly.
Must be all your own work
Open subject of YOUR choice
Up to 4 Digital Projected Images
1200 pixels max height by 1600 pixels wide
(Full rules from last year are enclosed with the accompanying email)
Previous winning images can be found here:
a) Last night’s meeting was another practical member’s critique of random prints led by Wendy. Members seem to be getting used to the format and contributed some very perceptive observations on how the prints might be improved.
b) Similar to last week, I displayed 5 of the prints and then used our big screen to give the judge’s feedback on member’s images which had been judged in the recent 3- way battle with Truro and Falmouth clubs. This again proved helpful to understand the reasoning for the scoring.
2. Next week 9nd December, will be Mandy’s lucky dip competition where we will all get the chance to score one another’s efforts from the previously random subject selection.
1. The next FUN competition is Mandy’s “lucky Dip” with more “dipping” on the 2nd and judging on 9th December 2. The next CPA competition is the Charles Hosken digital open Competition with a hand- in date of 16th December. You can submit up to 4 images at 50p each and enter any image so long as it hasn’t been previously entered in previous years. 3. The KF2 competition for January 2022 will be a set subject “Simplicity” so hopefully you are starting to get your work together.
Reminder - KF2 Changes:
KF2 - HAND-IN Thursday 20th January 2022. SET SUBJECT - SIMPLICITY - PRINT - 1 No. Print - can either be Colour or Mono
SET SUBJECT - SIMPLICITY - DIGITAL - 1 No. Digital Image - can be Colour or Mono OPEN DIGITAL - 1 No Digital Image - can be Colour or Mono OPEN OFF CAMERA (No Photo Editing) - 1 No. Digital Image
Diary Dates
Thursday 9th December – Mandy’s Lucky Dip Competition
Thursday 16th December – Geoff James’ Cream Tea
Cornwall Photographic Alliance (CPA)
16th December Hand-in – Charles Hosken Competition – details TRC
Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF)
Cheers for now Derek