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Newsletter #95 14th January 2022

Editor - Derek Godridge with Paul Cooper PCC News of the Week:

Just some news relating to Mandy’s Lucky Dip – if anyone (like me) has forgotten to hand in their image, then I’m sure she wouldn’t mind you emailing it to her. But don’t tell her I told you (haha).

Wendy wants to remind us that our top-up fees are now due because, if you remember at the AGM, we agreed to hold off paying our full season fees dependent upon Boris allowing us to meet in 2022. As it looks like we can indeed meet, we all now owe £15 for the rest of the season. Payment to Chris please ASAP.

Meetings (Paul Cooper)

  1. Last night we enjoyed our first meeting in our new location at the Penryn Athletic football club and it was lovely and warm, easy to park and we had a great evening. This week the Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF) Travelling Print Portfolio reached Penryn with some of the prints (including winners and highly commended) that entered last year’s WCPF competition. The evening started by selecting a bundle of prints and using them in a knockout competition based on a show of hands. We arrived at the three best in the club’s eyes and selected a 1st, 2nd and 3rd before checking where the WCPF judges placed them. Later one of our professional photographers, Derek Godridge, took us through the remaining images. Derek highlighted things like the type of paper used, cropping, sharpness, depth of field and composition. Many of the club members, including our youngest member, joined in with constructive comments and opinions on both the images and the points awarded. We did not always agree with the judges, but that’s fine, not everyone likes the same style.

  2. Next week Thursday 20th (in a change to programme) will be a PRACTICAL evening where members bring their cameras and manuals and receive help in understanding some mystifying settings. This will be combined with some further practical exercises on “Depth of field” – so bring some material you can use, maybe artificial or real flowers,ornaments etc and most important BRING YOUR CAMERAS and INSTRUCTION MANUALSalong with a tripod if you have one. Also next week 20th January is the hand in for our KF2 competition as below.

Competitions. 1. The KF2 competition for 10th February 2022 includes a set subject “Simplicity”. Reminder - KF2 Changes: TOTAL OF 4 IMAGES for KF2 SET SUBJECT - SIMPLICITY - PRINT - 1 No. Print - can either be Colour or Mono

SET SUBJECT - SIMPLICITY - DIGITAL - 1 No. Digital Image - can be Colour or Mono

OPEN DIGITAL - 1 No Digital Image - can be Colour or Mono OPEN OFF CAMERA (No Photo Editing) - 1 No. Digital Image

Diary Dates PCC

  • Christmas meal at The Falmouth Hotel – To be Re-arranged and Karen will advise.

  • 27rd January – A talk by Bill Hall on UK Nature and Wildlife. Bill is a recent member of Truro Camera Club, but a highly skilled, award winning photographer and PAGB Judge.

A talk by Bill Hall

Prior to his move to Cornwall, Bill was a member of the prestigious Rolls-Royce camera club and his images are exceptional as you can see in the WCPF slideshow below, where he won a GOLD Medal in the Open Digital Class.

Cornwall Photographic Alliance (CPA)

  1. The next CPA competition is the Charles Hosken - Digital Open Competition on Friday 18th March. Competition rules here: http://www.cornwall-photographic-

  2. After preparing up to FOUR images as per the rules already sent out you need to pay your 50p/image to our treasurer Chris

  3. You then need to send them to ME at by 22nd January 2022 if possible

I will then do all the collation of the images, compile a spreadsheet of titles etc and send them to Bill Hall via WeTransfer before the official hand-in date of 30th January.

Any problem give me a call on 07788590141

Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF) Member’s Exhibition 2022

  • This is a VERY prestigious competition which showcases the talent we have in the West Country. Alongside the actual competition, there is an excellent Exhibition which gives members and the general public alike the ability to view all of the accepted prints and digital images at the Bovey Tracey Golf Club from 1st to 16th May.

  • Last year’s Awards Slideshow here*

• I’m quite happy to collect your work and deliver to a central point From Pedro Landers “The 2022 WCPF Members Exhibition (MX) is currently being finalised and the entry system will be available in January 2022. Previous entrants will receive an ‘invitation to enter’ email, and a link to the entry system will be available from the WCPF websites MX page once it is open.

• Timings Entry will be open from Monday 3rd January 2022 and will close on Saturday 5th March 2022

• Terms and Conditions - The entry classes remain as last year with 3 print classes (Open, Mono, Nature) and 4 PDI classes (Open, Nature, Creative, Photo Travel). The class definitions will be available on the entry website.

• Awards - The exhibition has PAGB Patronage and PAGB Gold, Silver and Bronze medals plus Selector Ribbons will be awarded in each class. Highly commended certificates will also be awarded in each class. The ‘Margaret Aven’ trophy for the entrant who gains the most acceptances across all 7 classes, and ‘Best Wildlife’ trophy in both Nature classes will also be awarded again this year.

• Favourite Image and Sale Of Prints - We are repeating these initiatives and the conditions will be as last year ie entrants will have 3 choices

1. To opt in to the favourite print image lottery where one of the visitors that voted will receive a free copy of the print that they voted for. 2. To opt in to the visitors favourite print image lottery and the sale of prints. Prints will be offered for sale at a standard price of £35. Any postage fees required would be an extra cost. 3. To opt out of both initiatives: • Exhibition Venue Bovey Tracy Golf Club with the excellent facilities that have proved so successful over the last few years.

• Selectors • Christine Widdall MPAGB EFIAPFBPE • Sue Moore FRPS MPAGB • Bob Moore HonFRPS MPAGB HonPAGB

We hope that members of WCPF clubs will continue to support the exhibition and submit their entries in good time. Clubs may wish to collect print entries from their members and make a single delivery to the appointed AES. This will make the process more efficient and effective for club members and the AES. The name & contact details for an entrants AES will be notified on completion of the online entry.

If anything is unclear or there are any questions then please get in touch with the Exhibition Secretary by email at

Pedro Landers WCPF Exhibition Secretary”

Cheers for now Derek



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