Editor: Derek Godridge with more from Wendy and Karen:
PCC News:
Well, another great Member’s night was a real success with presentations from Steve Clarke and Mark Quilter. Steve’s show was literally head-spinning with many unusual aerial shots from his friend’s micro-light aircraft covering much of the West Cornwall beaches, coves, cliffs and rivers. It was exhilarating to see these familiar spots from a totally different angle and approach. Steve also managed to drop in tales of daring-do – or should it be “daring- don’t”? From a Health and Safety viewpoint slipping down Cornish cliffs and nearly getting drowned in the Hayle estuary are not to be recommended!!
On the other hand Mark’s more tranquil approach to his “Nature Year” was a lovely take on the natural world around him in his garden and locality and included many photos of some familiar subjects as well as some more rare birds, insects and fungi. Due to the interest shown and questions, Mark only managed to cover one of his planned three shows so luckily he will be returning for another presentation for us which we look forward to.
Image Credits: Karen Burton – Steve and Mark’s Show & Tell
Important Reminder - From Wendy Bate:
Hi Everyone,
PCC Secretary, PCC Treasurer are posts that URGENTLY still need filling. We also need an additional Refreshment Organizer to ease the load and to enable us to introduce a rota system.
Remember, this is YOUR club, so it is up to you all to think about these vacant positions and to vote in your Committee at the AGM. If you are interested we can discuss it at next week’s meeting where we are also discussing the required changes to our Constitution so please come and air your views.
We cannot function properly without these positions being filled, so it really is important.
Many thanks, Wendy
PCC Social News – Karen Burton
March 3rd – Godolphin House Walk and Photography o POSTPONED DUE TO WEATHER CONCERNS
March 17th- Trelowarren Inn-Budock Water - 12.30pm Lunch o We have 21 members attending so should be enjoyable!
April 4th Barbara Jenkins is coming to visit- For a presentation evening. o We will be holding a raffle that evening so please donate any prizes you may have. We would be very grateful!
Friday May 24th is going to be an event held at Falmouth Court, Draceana Avenue, Falmouth. 6.30pm till 8.00pm. o I would like some volunteers to bring some images along to show or put some digitals on a memory stick to show our lovely residents. Please let me know if you will be interested in helping make a lovely evening to show our talents and make a connection to the community.
PCC Diary Dates:
Thursday 7th March – Committee Positions - Discussion and Constitution change proposals o An OPEN discussion and involvement are welcomed!
Thursday 14th March – KF3 Results With our judge Kevin Leah
Thursday 21st Venice Talk & Show With our lady members who recently visited Venice
Other Musings:
• Photography quotations – Sam Haskins
“A photographer went to a socialite party in New York. As he entered the front door, the host said, ‘I love your pictures - they’re wonderful; you must have a fantastic camera.’ He said nothing until dinner was finished, then: ‘That was a wonderful dinner; you must have a terrific stove”
Cornwall Photographic Alliance (CPA)
Saturday 18th May 2024 CPA Inter-Club Competition and Exhibition – Doors open 1.15pm show starts at 2pm.
@ The Burrell Theatre, Trennick Lane, Truro TR1
Hand-in 10th April to allow for selection and submission to CPA. o Rules on the website http://www.cornwall-photographic-alliance.co.uk/cpaannualcompetition.html
Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF)
Sunday 3rd March 2024 - Knightshayes Trophy and Council Meeting o West Monkton Village Hall, Monkton Heathfield, Taunton, TA2 8NE (just off M5 junction 25) o Council Meeting and Knightshayes Trophy (10 am for 10.30 am) "Arctica" a Talk by Eddy and Pam Lane on their recent trips to the Arctic and Antarctica at 2 pm.
Sunday 3rd March 2024 - Members Exhibition Last day for Entries Detailed information is available here: https://www.thewcpf.com/copy-of-exhibition
Sunday 5th May 2024 Executive Meeting & Opening of Member’s Exhibition
Thank you to everyone for your recent kind comments
Remember there is no such thing as a stupid question – Just Ask !
All the best Derek and the Team!