Editor: Derek Godridge with more from Paul and Karen:
PCC News from Paul Cooper:
Running slightly late due to local traffic issues, Steve Clarke walked into a surprise round of applause for his winning entry in the recent regional WCPF “water” competition with his print “Free Ride”. Steve’s attached winning entry in the WCPF Knightshayes Trophy – Junior selection, is a bit of a big deal in the photographic world. Currently over 100 clubs are in the Federation from across Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Dorset and South Gloucester, as far East as Weymouth, as far North as Stroud and across into Swindon in Wiltshire.
Image Credit: Steve Clarke – Free Ride
Then the hallowed halls of Penryn Camera Club governance echoed with the resonance of progress while passionate debates akin to intellectual fireworks illuminated the room discussing the changes to our PCC Competition Rules. Imagine the thrill of democratic evolution as each amendment becomes a brushstroke on the canvas of a vibrant future. The air charged with anticipation, transforming a traditionally dull gathering into a riveting showcase of democracy in action.
OK, perhaps it was not quite that exciting, but as we move into a new era containing photographic artificial intelligence, understanding the very subtle nuance between “extend an image with content-aware fill” (allowed) and the similar "generative fill scene extension” (banned) is critical to the continuing success of the club.
PCC News from Derek:
Don’t forget members, the new Competition Rules will be on the Website shortly but in the meantime I enclose a copy for you. As an important note, these changes are pretty far- reaching and will be applied to ALL work entered next season so please read and - especially for those of you who couldn’t attend last night - ASK if you are unsure.
Mainly as a response to the somewhat sweeping changes in Competition Rules generally, I would remind members that if Judges have any doubt regarding the integrity of the work entered, all Club, National and International Judges have the right to ask to see the un-edited Raw or JPG file. Hence COMPLIANCE is vital.
Shortly after next week’s KF3 results we have to select our entries for the Cornwall Photographic Alliance – Inter Club Competition. Now some of you may have already taken some previous club competition entries home with you so ....
1) if you want to put them forward to represent the club, you will need to bring them to the club NEXT Thursday evening.
2) Members can also present any other images ( not shown at previous clubs), they might have, to give us a bigger selection of images.
We will then have an evening with the selection team during the week starting, 17th to 23rd March giving us plenty of time to collate them prior to hand-in.
PCC Social News – Karen Burton
March 17th- Trelowarren Inn-Budock Water - 12.30pm Luncho We have 21 members attending so should be enjoyable!
April 4th Barbara Jenkins is coming to visit- For a presentation evening. o We will be holding a raffle that evening so please donate any prizes you may have. We would be very grateful!
Friday May 24th is going to be an event held at Falmouth Court, Draceana Avenue, Falmouth. 6.30pm till 8.00pm.
o I would like some volunteers to bring some images along to show or put some digitals on a memory stick to show our lovely residents. Please advise if interested in helping make a lovely evening to show our talents and make a connection to the community.
PCC Diary Dates:
Thursday 14th March – KF3 Results
With our judge Kevin Leah
Thursday 21st Venice Talk & Show
With our lady members who recently visited Venice
Thursday 28th March Practical Evening
John Yarrow - Looking at automated uploading of Competition Images & More!
Other Musings:
Photography quotations – Diane Arbus “For me, the subject of the picture is always more important than the picture.”
Cornwall Photographic Alliance (CPA)
Saturday 18th May 2024 CPA Inter-Club Competition and Exhibition – Doors open 1.15pm show starts at 2pm. @ The Burrell Theatre, Trennick Lane, Truro TR1 o Hand-in 10th April to allow for selection and submission to CPA.
o Rules on the website http://www.cornwall-photographic-alliance.co.uk/cpaannualcompetition.html
Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF)
Saturday 27th April 2024 - Judging Seminaro Details on the WCPF Website at https://www.thewcpf.com/judging-seminars o Several members in the past have found this FREE course very informative – even if they do not wish to become a judge!
Sunday 5th May 2024 Executive Meeting & Opening of Member’s Exhibition
Remember there is no such thing as a stupid question – Just Ask !
All the best Derek and the Team!