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Newsletter NL205 – 30th May 2024

Editor: Derek Godridge with more from the TEAM:

PCC News

It seems ages ago but it was only 12 days ago when the Cornwall Photographic Alliance held their inter-club competition at the Burrell Theatre, Truro. The whole event really was really well organized and the actual space is an excellent venue.

The pictures we saw right from the word go were very good indeed and I think the judges must have had a major problem separating the winners from the rest! As you will see, we certainly didn’t disgrace ourselves and we came a respected 8th place. Here are the scores:

Cornwall Photographic Alliance

Mark Quilter had two Highly Commended images so well done Mark! All of the PCC Member’s scores are enclosed separately along with this Newsletter.

Image Credits: Kevin Leah and Karen Burton

Image Credits: Kevin Leah and Karen Burton

PCC Social News – Karen Burton – T: 07724 344420

Penryn Camera Club visit to Falmouth Court Care Home May 24th

Karen Burton works at Falmouth Court Care Home as an activity assistant and had a great idea to bring Penryn Camera Club into the Home to make a lovely evening for the residents. Community connections are so important to the residents especially as a few were from Penryn and know it very well.

Allen, Karen’s husband was there to set up TV and equipment early and John Yarrow brought all the display and images and did a great job to mount our images to show our talents.

Carol and Ally came to support which was great and they were able to tell the residents about their images personally. Wendy and Julia joined too which made the club well-represented.

Karen showed an assortment of digital images of birds, animals, landscapes that she thought might please the lovely residents. Our images were highly praised and everyone enjoyed the evening along with some delicious cheese and wine!

The residents were really impressed and enjoyed chatting to us about their memories of going to some of those places. It was a very successful evening and hopefully we can repeat again in the future.

DG - This was another superb way to represent Penryn Camera Club to our Penryn community and we wholeheartedly thank Karen, John, Ali, Carol and Allen for all of their superb efforts in presenting and talking about the photographs which we take and show at the club and thanks also to Julia and Wendy for ensuring PCC was well represented.

Image Credit: Allen Burton – PCC at Falmouth Court Care Home

Image Credit: Allen Burton PCC at Falmouth Court Care Home

More PCC News

Penryn Camera Club Summertime Series Competition

So far we have 27 Members who have registered with John and our PhotoEntry, but 5 members have yet to log on. We know that there are MORE of you who need to register so that you can then log on and load up some photos. The log in is :

The whole idea is to get everyone familiar with the new PhotoEntry system to be ready for our new Club year starting in September. That’s also why John has kindly set up the Summer Series of FUN competitions to enable members to become familiar with uploading work etc. The three competitions are:

  • Competition 1 – Set Subject – ‘Food and Drink’ Closing date: 30th June 2024

  • Competition 2 – Set Subject – ‘Happy Days’ Closing date: 31st July 2024

  • Competition 3 – Set Subject – ‘Forms in Nature’ Closing date: 31st August 2024

John has even kindly offered a HOME VISIT to explain the system if you wish so why not contact him on: 01872 521182 or 07832 485717

The Questionnaire ! – VERY IMPORTANT

1) I DO NOT WISH TO JOIN PCC IN SEPTEMBER 2024...................

For those wishing to return to the club, complete the following questions.

2) I wish to remain a Member for 2024-25.....................

3) My Address is ........................................................................................................

4) My contact phone number...............................................................................

5) My email address................................................................................................

6) My club number is ............................................................

7) I wish to receive the Newsletter.........YES/NO.............................

8) I do not wish to receive the Newsletter...YES/NO.......................

9) I have read and understand the clubs GDPR policy which is available at: ......YES/NO.......................

Yes we are still urgently awaiting for a few responses to Wendy’s Questionnaire repeated here. It honestly takes less than 3 minutes so we kindly but urgently request you respond to Wendy with the answers. If you can please answer the questions below and advise by MAY 31st 2024.

PCC More Social News – Karen Burton – T: 07724 344420

  • Sunday 23rd June - PCC PRESENTATION LUNCH at 12.45 for a 1pm start

o FALMOUTH GOLF CLUB again after much deliberation.

o Don't forget cancellations any less than a week you will NOT get a refund unfortunately.

o There will be a lovely raffle so some donations would be very welcome!

Summer Outings – Karen Burton

I have made up a packed programme of suggestions for a meet-up if you fancy a trot out with your camera and some company!

I haven't booked anything yet as I will need a list of who would like to join which meet-up.

I thought Lanhydrock would be a lovely place to go as it is National Trust and has gardens, architecture etc and I would love to visit Bonython Estate too but that does cost £11.00 entry.

Anyone is welcome to put a shout-out on the WhatsApp group last minute if you want to go somewhere and maybe others might want to join you and I have included some info-only dates as it would be difficult to organise anything as a big group.

Let me know which trips you would like to join if possible. Email me if you can as it gets confusing on the group to keep track.

Summer program

PCC Diary Date Latest:

Wednesday 10th July – Penryn Campus Institute of Photography – 9.45 for a 10am start


On the 10th of July 2024, Dave Mann has arranged an amazing studio workshop for us. Those who attended the short session last year, can attest to his brilliance as a teacher (and entertainer), even leaving Wendy wanting more. This will be a paid, more in depth, and interactive workshop that Dave is giving from his personal time.

It’s a three-hour session, split in two. Arrive from 09:45 for a 10:00 start. There will be a

break finish at 13:30. The first half is a demonstration of lighting techniques in one studio and the second part includes two studios to experiment, both with our own cameras and a selection belonging to the university.

Also included are continuous lighting demonstrations as well as flash and how long shutter speed and movement can be used with flash.

The cost is £300, which, split between a maximum of ten attendees, is £30 per head.

There are only a few places left so if you are interested contact Carina NOW

Cornwall Photographic Alliance (CPA)


Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF)



Some of you may have noticed that some of the images I post here make people look as if they have been in the sun for 3 days without sunscreen !!

Well there seems to be an issue when I post certain images into this Newsletter ???? As you can see the first picture has the issue but the last one doesn’t – all very strange, so if anyone knows what’s going on please send me the answers on a postcard☺

Note: There is no such thing as a stupid question !

But there is such a thing as a stupid answer!!

E.g. “You should know that”

All the best from Derek, Paul, Karen, John and the Team!

Here are the CPA Scores from the recent competition;

CPA Scores 1
CPA Scores 2



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