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Newsletter Week 13

Dear All,

I know that some of you who read this look forward to your Thursday evening when the email system brings you the next newsletter. I am sorry that this has arrived a little later than you would have liked. The real reason for being late is if honest, not had a great deal to say and not had a great deal of enthusiasm to say it either. 

I hope that everyone is fit(ish) and well. 

Shock horror as camera as apart from phone was actually used in the last week, but I've not actually looked at any of the images yet. Some example I am to follow ! 

I did start the week with good intentions, but some bad news on Monday evening certainly put an end to that - another good friend of mine who lives "up-north" has terminal liver cancer. Although I don't see this person or speak to them that often as I should, this bad news has clouded my week and you do become a prisoner of your own thoughts. Perhaps my mood is a little like the weather, a little dull and not very sunny.

However the committee have been conversing by email, and it is likely that some form of committee meeting will take place in the near future to help gain some direction for the club and its members as time passes. I am not sure exactly what we can do or will be able to do or how many members would even physically support what we can do, but we shall try and that at the end of the day is all we can do. I hear the words of Ron ringing in my head (the club is only a hobby). It is, but it is also important as it has brought a good number of people together over time and bonds of friendship are to many of us more important that the coloured images we see on the screen each week.

I do hope that sometime next week I will be in a position to announce the next round in what might be called the "lockdown league". 

In the meantime here are a couple of my images from the week when I travelled over the bridge into the new world (lol). A day was spent at Fort Bovisand.

Naval ship


I think the above image is going to look good in mono which is why I took lots with the other camera. The textures were fab and so was the carved granite too around the Fort.

Paul has put his head above the parapet and sent me three images which are shown below. Two have been processed or as Paul says exposing for the sky not the landscape. You are free to comment and I will print them next week.

This is the original

Skyline before

The following are processed ..

Skyline after

Skyline coloured

As they say your comments please.

If there should be anything pressing between now and next Thursday you will get a mail, otherwise have a good week, take care and see you soon,

Your Chairman (acting)

Dr Keith Russ

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