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Newsletter NL204 – 17th May 2024

Season 2023-2024 - Newsletter No. 204

Editor: Derek Godridge with more from the TEAM:

PCC News – Karen Burton

PCC members attended the Penryn Arts Centre Open Day recently, where Megan Becks and her team invited us to take photos of the Old Penryn Methodist Church, as it has sadly now closed its doors finally for the local congregation.

It was a lovely evening on Thursday 16th May when our members aimed to capture the wonderful stained glass windows with the warm sun glow streaming through them. The light in the church gave an air of peace and tranquillity. The subtle rays shone onto the beautiful wooden balcony and the pews of the much-loved Methodist Church. The building has such a lot of character with a stunning organ as a central focus point. It has so many precious memories entrapped within the walls of the charming and delightful building.

The new chapter of the church sounds as if it is going to be very exciting and we wish the Penryn Arts Centre all the best in bringing art, culture, life enrichment and most of all community connections to the heart of Penryn.

Karen Burton 1
Karen Burton 2

Image Credits: Karen Burton – Penryn Arts Centre (Penryn Methodist Church (Thanks Karen)

More PCC News – John Yarrow

Penryn Camera Club Summertime Series Competition

To keep us familiar with PhotoEntry and to help those members who have yet to use the system, Mandy and I have organised a series of three digital competitions.

Competition 1 – Set Subject – ‘Food and Drink’ Closing date: 30th June 2024

Competition 2 – Set Subject – ‘Happy Days’ Closing date: 31st July 2024

Competition 3 – Set Subject – ‘Forms in Nature’ Closing date: 31st August 2024

Awards: Something edible for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each competition Something in a box or bottle for 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall.

Presentation to be at a club night in September to fit in with the autumn programme.

Judges: Each competition will be judged by four club members each giving a mark out of 5. We hope they will be volunteers but, if not, a press gang will be employed. Judges may remain anonymous or they may ‘come out’ if they feel it may generate some valuable ‘backhanders’. The judges will not be expected to justify any score they award. The judges will receive a link from PhotoEntry to view the images.

Their scores can be sent to the administrator via PhotoEntry, email, text or telephone; whichever is easiest.

PhotoEntry: At present 26 members are registered with PhotoEntry. Members who haven’t yet registered will need to contact me (John) giving their email address and club competition number as soon as possible.

Assistance: This is the chance to get everyone confident in using PhotoEntry. I am prepared to offer a home visit to anyone who is finding the system difficult or confusing. The only charge is a cup of coffee and perhaps a biscuit. 01872 521182 07832 485717

PCC Social News – Karen Burton – T: 07724 344420

  • Friday May 24th is going to be an event held at Falmouth Court, Draceana Avenue, Falmouth. 6.30pm till 8.00pm. o I would like some volunteers to bring some images along to show or put some digitals on a memory stick to show our lovely residents. Please advise if interested in helping make a lovely evening to show our talents and make a connection to the community.

  • Sunday 23rd June - PCC PRESENTATION LUNCH at 12.45 for a 1pm start o FALMOUTH GOLF CLUB again after much deliberation. o Don't forget cancellations any less than a week you will NOT get a refund unfortunately. o There will be a lovely raffle so some donations would be very welcome! o Many thanks to all the members who have paid for our Presentation meal. o If not already done so, please get your orders in as soon as possible.

  • Summer Outings o Any ideas please let me know!! o 07724 344420 o

Other PCC Musings

I know it might seem like weeks ago since many of us (Unsuccessfully in my case) tried to photograph the Aurora Borealis and I thought it would be great to mark this “Once-in-a-lifetime event!!. Well some members actually succeeded on the Friday Night and here are a couple of results.

Layla – Aurora Borealis IPhone shot

Image Credit: Layla – Aurora Borealis IPhone shot

Amanda Hanson – Aurora Borealis from my garden

Image Credit: Amanda Hanson – Aurora Borealis from my garden

PCC Diary Dates:

Summer Trips - TBA

Cornwall Photographic Alliance (CPA)

Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF)


Other Other ! – An opportunity to try Street Photography with Matt

I am running a full-day Street Photography workshop in Falmouth, Cornwall next Wednesday (22nd). As I still have a couple of places left, I wanted to reach out to see if any of your members might be interested? Never wanting to ask for something for nothing, I have created a 20% discount code that you can offer to your club's members = falmouthstreet24

A little about myself; I am London-based and run Street Photography workshops worldwide (recently returning from Vietnam). I have been featured in a number of publications, including Creative Boom, Peta Pixel, Range Finder, Fstoppers and the BBC. If you're curious to check out more about me and my work, the best place is my website -


Date: Wednesday 22nd of May 2024 Time: 9:30 - 17:00 Location: Falmouth, Cornwall Price:£180 (£144 with your member's discount)

Discount code: falmouthstreet24

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me or give me a quick call on 07905132223.

Note: There is no such thing as a stupid question !

But there is such a thing as a stupid answer!!

E.g. “You should know that”

All the best from Derek, Paul, Karen, John and the Team!

Newsletter bonus content from Karen

Thursday 16th May-Karen Burton

Penryn Methodist Church -Now Penryn Arts Centre

First stop was to get into the club cupboards, to organise all the photo display boards for the CPA competition this Saturday at Truro School in the Burrell theatre.

Wendy ensured we had the right combination of photo boards with the help of John and Ros Yarrow. We will be displaying 15 prints on them at the CPA competition. Please try to support our club it starts at 1.00pm. It should be a very inspiring afternoon.

Karen organised an evening to take photographs of the beautiful old church which is transitioning into Penryn Arts Centre. We met Megan Becks the lady who has taken charge of the project at 6.30pm. Megan kindly opened up the doors for us and gave us free reign to use our cameras to capture some precious memories to share with the Penryn Arts Centre so we can be included into the new community projects when photography may be needed. Karen thought that by networking to create a connection with the Arts centre it could become fruitful for both parties. So watch this space!

Note to oneself- from Karen -When going on a photography evening out please check you have your camera to go with the tripod and flash and lenses! I am so cross with myself! Luckily I borrowed Allen’s backup camera. Thank you, Allen!

Mark was engrossed in the beautiful architecture. Claire was being very arty and creating images with the old prayer books. It was certainly a different experience. We would love to be able to set up some photoshoots or some other combined project there in the future. We had a lovely tranquil evening in beautiful building and finished off at the Thirsty Scholar for dinner.

Next Friday 24th May we are visiting the Falmouth Court Care Home where I work. We will be taking some prints and digital images to show the residents. It starts at 6.30pm till 8.00pm.We don’t need loads of members there as long as we are represented and make a nice evening for the lovely residents. We will be providing cheese and wine as refreshments.

I have definite offers from Carol, Ally , John, Ros, on my list so far.

We have lots of days out planned so will be letting you know shortly some definite dates and bookings. I am aware of some of the trips costings, so have decided to knock Royal Cornwall Show on the head. I will try to put some freebies in like the Penrose Water Lily Garden near Truro which now has the Cornish Barista attached to it, so much more affordable refreshments. I am liaising with them at the moment to book a date.



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