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Newsletter Week 9

Hi All,

I was going to send this tomorrow Friday, but then thought some of you actually might like reading the newsletter on a Thursday evening, so I relented.

Before I venture off into the land of diatribe,or start being an ultracrepidarian, let us first congratulate Mr Godridge for the inclusion of his most excellent Oregon Drift image in the latest issue of the RPS Visual Art Magazine. Well done.

RPS Visual Art Magazine

and for those who have forgotten what the image looks like 'ere tis ..

Derek Godridge; Oregon Drift

Many things are not guaranteed in life especially at the present time, but we can sleep well in the knowledge that Derek's feet will be firmly kept on the ground by Jan, who as we know will have a suitable phrase or two to ensure this.

This week as seen changes, or not, which may or may not depending ensure that you may or may not get out more and taking more images depending. I might even get out more and take the camera too, but only if I consider the risks appropriately and to do this I will use some common sense, something which many of us at Penryn CC would have seen is definitely missing from a good proportion of the general population. For example one person I know resonably well who lives not far from Helston, is one of those Cornish Nationalist type persons, and I will leave it there for fear of retribution etc. They have been vocally ensuring that no visitors from outside the county are welcome at this time, as we only have one hospital etc for treating those who live in Cornwall, which is common sense. However they then went on to say, now that now they could travel to do exercise, the first place they wanted to visit was Devon and Dartmoor ! until some Devonian told them in plain english that they were not welcome in Devon and that Devon hospitals were there for the locals. I despair. Perhaps you can get common sense implants on the NHS. Even some of my so-called educated friends have been acting as if all the common sense that they might have been born with has evaporated. I was beginning to think that I was the stupid one, but luckily other members of the club have reassured me that I haven't lost all sense of reasoning. One analogy I saw online was only walk off a cliff if is safe to do relation to some of the advice that we have been getting. Perhaps you should be thinking do I actually need to go to the cliff in the first place ! 

A positive if you can meet up with one person who is not in your household, that would also some contact between club members on a limited scale. Many of you have and are taking to the airwaves to contact other club members by the use of the telephone. This marvelous invention has allowed most of us to keep in touch and to ensure that club members are not alone or forgotten. I have been honoured by the number of club members who have taken time out of their day to check up on me, because as one put it delicately - you live alone. Thanks to one and all. 

After the little exhibition of images sent in by you all, this week only one person has sent some.  This is NOT a hint, but it is an observation and a fact !

Argal bench

A lovely image to remind us all of what the world actually looks like on the outside of your house. Just like in the image the weather has been super this week. I have been in the garden and I can say that the structure known as the poo bag pyramid has grown - just thought I would share that with you all.

I have also been contacted that a couple of members have enquired about a tutorial or assistance which could be in the form of a video to help them with restoring some old photographs. As this is beyond my capabilities I will pass the baton to our photoshop Guru - as they say Hospital pass coming your way Victor ! I would like to think that this is perhaps something that we could all benefit from as we must have lots of old photos. I won't be rude to say some will have more than others and some might even be older than others - just in case anyone needs clarification on this - I am talking about the photos and not the club members who own them.

I am going to carry out an experiment between now and the next newsletter. This will involve another member of the club and a some software. If the results are positive I shall report back and remove any of the suspense which you are now in. 

Thanks to Wendy again for the following items which may be of interest and also of help in ensuring that we do not forget that we are photographers ..

Right I think that will do for this week. Stay safe everyone and if you do have to go out - then Lets be careful out there ..

Until next week.

All the best

Your Chairman

Dr Keith Russ



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