History and geography joined the agenda at Penryn Camera Club’s weekly meeting
last week. The very first action of the meeting was for members to hand in their
images for the KF3 competition for judging. Once that had been done Derek
Godridge gave another of his excellent talks. This time it was a travelogue focusing
on two very different locations – Oregon in America and then towns across Mexico.
As always with Derek we not only had a large number of truly excellent images but
we also got a really good chat about each of the images. Members were fascinated
by the depth of information that Derek had acquired about the wonderful locations of
his images, especially in the second half of the evening when he focused on his time
when he journeyed around Mexico. This week another of th club’s stalwart members,
Victor Tullin, is leading another teach in on Photoshop software. Victor’s knowledge
of this software and how best to use it to improve photo images is legendary in the
club and with so much that one can learn this is going to be another evening which
will be of huge benefit to all. Come and see. www.penryncameraclub.org.uk