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Gaff Riggers

Champion; Jeanette

Traditional Sailboats: The theme that could link five photographs of gaff riggers in Cornwall is the traditional style of sailing, showcasing the unique design and beauty of gaff riggers. The images could capture the craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into building and maintaining these vessels, as well as their timeless beauty as they glide through the waters.

Unlike the tall ships this category is not limited to the whole sailboat, nor does it even have to be on the water. It does have to include a Gaff Rigger (or part of one).

The first time a lot of gaffers will be together will be Falmouth Classics in the middle of June. I will be on a committee boat helping to run the racing. I will make some enquiries to see if anything is possible for a photographic opportunity beforehand. Jeanette xx

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