The Penryn Camera Club membership has risen again this week due to the Penryn Fair day. On Thursday we hosted a practical Camera Session with members bringing their hardware and images and asking for practical advice. This included camera settings, lens types and future purchase options through to tips on images.
We billed the evening as “There is no such thing as a stupid question” because we don’t know what we don’t know. Knowledge was available to answer both basic and complex questions.
Images were constructively critiqued and our experts gave advice on how to bounce light into the shot to remove shadows from faces. For example; if you don’t have a reflector handy a simple piece of A4 white paper will often bounce enough light upwards to banish those pesky shadows.
Next week we will be treated to “The girls night out”; a medley of photo’s by Claire D, Karen and Eve.
If you would like to join this superactive friendly club, start via our website. Look for the Contact Us form on the top menu bar. Our amiable members have all photographic abilities and cover all age ranges so you are sure to fit in.