Editor - Derek Godridge
PCC News of the Week:
Some great news, our Chairman has been contacted by Penryn Town Council to offer our club the Town Hall for our annual display during Penryn Fair Day on 28th August. So here is your opportunity to submit a few prints for display along with digital images which will be selected from those already seen in competition this year. Victor can supply pre-cut mounts for A4 and A3 prints if you need them.
I also regularly use DS Colour Labs for my large prints at very reasonable cost (cheaper than printing yourself!) and you can upload direct from your PC to here: https://dscolourlabs.co.uk/about/Online-Photo-Printing
A good meeting was had last night with lots of chat and critiquing of the Lockdown entries. NO MEETING for the next two weeks as your Committee is meeting to plan the upcoming items etc so if you have anything you want discussed or suggestions for our next programme let Maru know.
Fantastic news that we have TWO “meet-ups” coming at last !
17th June - Swanpool carpark at 7pm for a quiet wander and shoot.
1st July - Great Flat Lode at 7pm – meet at the South Wheal Francis car park. Any problems ring me on 07788590141 !
3. On 24th June we have a mystery speaker !
The subject of this week’s competitions was Open and some super images were entered with the winners .... 1st Wendy Bate with her rose, 2nd was Julia with her ramble image and joint 3rd were Nicky, Jeanette and Victor. Well done everyone.
Next competition is OPEN with manipulation allowed for the 1st July – entries by Midday 30th June latest to Victor please.
Cornwall Photographic Alliance (CPA) As your CPA representative, I attended a Zoom meeting on Tuesday 1st June and the following dates for your diary were agreed. More details will follow and they are also on the CPA Website here : http://www.cornwall-photographic-alliance.co.uk/index.html
11th September 2021 - CPA 50 Years of Photography Celebration at Carnon Downs Village Hall. All clubs will have a table to show work and some history of CPA membership. Anyone who would like to do a 15 minute demo or talk please contact me.
20th November 2021 CPA Nature & Wildlife Competition – Hand-in 17th September
Cheers Derek