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Newsletter NL189 – Saturday 3rd Feb 2024

Temporary editor: Paul with more from Karen and Wendy

Lots to pack in this week so without any preamble …..

PCC News – Karen Burton:

Kevin Leah – A Journey through Competition Successes

Kevin Leah – A Journey through Competition Successes

It was a packed house for Penryn Camera Club this week as former member Kevin Leah came to share his incredible journey, from early images to some of his present-day, International Salon Entries. His talent and vision to create such dynamic images are mind-blowing, to say the least!

He told us that photographer Christine Widdall gave him the inspiration to try different genres such as Street photography and Character historical photo shoots which led to a whole creative thought process.

Kevin took us through images and how he learned to improve images using Photoshop and later on became more creative in making composite images. He gave us ideas to improve an image by adding light and a different atmosphere to a photo. Changing an image from colour to black/ white can provide an old-fashioned traditional feel to the image.

Kevin adds textures and builds up the layers, then adds various items which were not part of the original image and trick us into believing that that is what he took originally! Judges are often baffled by his amazing wizardry.

We all enjoyed a very informative and inspirational evening. We wish Kevin every success with his latest images.

Kevin Leah – A Journey through Competition Successes 2

Paul’s view of Thursday’s meeting (and a subtle link to our Facebook page, free at the point of use guys 🙂)

PCC News – Wendy Bate

Hi Everyone,    

This may turn out a bit different sort of News letter, than what you have been used to with Derek as the Editor, but we will try our best to match up to his standard. Unfortunately, Derek and Jan had to rush off to Wiltshire on Thursday. So, it’s been left to “the team “ to make sure you get the weekly News Letter.

You are going to get this a little later than usual, as I decided if we waited for The results of Charles  Hoskin on Saturday, we could tell you the scores for your images. 

10 members of PCC attended this event.

Charles Hoskin Results, ( which I managed to write down in the dark, so I apologise for bad spelling or if the title isn’t correct), but I am finding it difficult reading my writing !! Sorry

There were 6 judges.

Last year, the rules were altered from 4 images per person TO 6 images, and there were 391 images last year but increased to 535 this year. A new award for this year was for, The highest total scored by any one person for their entries and, it was won by Kevin Leah. 

The first half of the competition was scores between 6 and 9 points and took 44 minutes to go through them all.  There were no names attached to these, so I didn’t know, which were from our club.

After the refreshments break, the scores were from 10 points onwards,  and names were now attached to the image and it was a bit longer than the first half. 

10 points.

Net maker, Derek.

Gangster Grass, Helen Tanner

8 something?? Helen Tanner. ( Well done Helen, but sorry I didn’t get the full and correct title on this one.).  

11, Points.

Beau Brummell, Derek.

Beau Yarn, John Y.

Explore HMS Majestic, John Y.

Flowering Time, Mark Quilter.

Godrevy Evening Light. Mark Q.

Memorial to Slate, John Y. 

Night Falls Over The Bay, Derek.

Spring Melt, John Y. 

12 Points.

Misty Penryn Morning, Mark Q. 

Nina, Derek. 

Trick or Treat, Claire Dougal.

( I have to mention, Claire couldn’t believe she had done so well against all the images shown, so we were delighted for her and hope she has got over her shock by now!! Well done Claire.). 

Well done to everyone who entered the competition and to those of you, whose images were in the first half, well done for entering. We all had to start somewhere, and perhaps next year, you will be in the second half too. Keep trying, never give up. 

We will get the full list of scores on Monday, so you can see them on Thursday. I just wrote them down so you didn’t have to wait so long to know how you have done but sorry for any mistakes I have made in the titles etc).


Well, what a brilliant evening we had at the club on Thursday, with Kevin. 

Kevin was pleased you all enjoyed it so much and in his own words “ he was blown away” by all your lovely comments and emails to him.  See Karen’s report above. 

Next week, KF2 mono Competition Results with judge Pam Robertson, Falmouth CC, no doubt you will be waiting to know your results.  Thank you all for your generosity in the raffle prizes you have given to the club, you are all amazing. 

We are now looking for a volunteer  Member, to take over as Refreshment Organiser Post, with the help of a few others, who would be willing to help out on a club night. Sandi is unable to fulfil the role, as she has other commitments and may not always be at the club regularly. If you are interested in helping, please let me know. ( no Refreshment Team, no refreshments). 

My thanks to Karen for her Thursday’s report, contributing to this Newsletter, and special thanks to Paul ( my Superman), who, when I asked him if he could put this newsletter together for me, ( I couldn’t do it, but, nothing unusual there when it’s Computer work !!),  and he said he would, which was a huge relief to me and he is a whizz at all of this.  Between us, we have tried our best to make Derek proud of our efforts, but I know you will all be glad when he is back at the helm once more. 

See you all next Thursday evening, remember the money for subs, (no raffle this week),  but please remember your drinking mugs, as Sandi told me, some forgot on Thursday and she was running out of mugs to use. 

All the best, and remember Derek’s motto “No question is a stupid question,  just ask”. 


A message to our, Honorary Vice President,( CPA. rep, News Letter Editor, and my Righthand Man) Derek, and also, Jan. 

Our thoughts are with you at this time Derek. We are all here for you. ( the PCC family). Xx

In other news 

Mike Halsey's whiskey

Mike Halsey took the club laptop home for Christmas (it was lonely and needed a friend). He added some RAM, removed some Gremlins and blew it to the latest software. This has added some much-needed speed and stability to this ancient seven-year-old (49 in human years) device and saved the club from buying a new one for some years to come.  

Wendy thanked Mike on behalf of the club with something warming.

Website Corner

You cannot let the website manager loose on a Newsletter and not expect some website content!

We have been looking at a new feature “Before and After” where photographers post their before images with some comments on the content, then post their after-editing image. There are two examples shown via the above link. Please check these out and see if this is something that interests you.  Editors; please send future content directly to Paul in an email with the two images attached.  One subject to one email please but feel free to swamp me.  

PCC Social News – Karen Burton

• I have booked The Trelowarren Pub in Budock Water on March 17th 2024 for Sunday Roast at 12.30 pm. Prices range from around £13-16 depending on what size roast you would like. Please let me know if you are interested in joining us. I need to know the numbers as soon as we can.

PCC Diary Dates:

  • Thursday 8th February – KF2 Results with the judge Pam Robertson

  • Thursday 15th February – KF3 Hand-In – Practical out-of-camera mono still life

  • Thursday 22nd Feb - Show and Tell - Members to talk about 3-5 of their images they love and why they took the shot 

Other Musings:

  • If you want to take interesting images ….. Stand in front of interesting things.

  • Is this link safe to click on?  How do you know? Answer at the end of this newsletter.

Cornwall Photographic Alliance (CPA)

Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF)

  • Sunday 4th Feb 2024 - YES! TODAY!  Inter-Club Championships - DPIC & Print Competition Sunday 4 February 2024 at the Corn Exchange, Exeter, EX1 1BW (Doors Open 9.30 competition from 10.30 to 4.30)

  • Sunday 3rd March 2024 - Knightshayes Trophy and Council Meeting; West Monkton Village Hall, Monkton Heathfield, Taunton, TA2 8NE (just off M5 junction 25)The closing date for Entries is now past.o  Council Meeting and Knightshayes Trophy (10 am for 10.30 am)"Arctica" a Talk by Eddy and Pam Lane on their recent trips to the Arctic and Antarctica at 2 pm.

  • Saturday 9th March 2024 - Members Exhibition Closing date for Entries

  • Sunday 5th May 2024 Executive Meeting & Opening of Members Exhibition

And finally ….

Was that link safe to click on?  Yes.  1) It came from a source that you recognise and trust and b) if you hover your cursor over it (without clicking) you can see it leads to a site you know and trust.

Safe to click?

 Be careful friends is different from (look at the Y in Penryn). NB it is safe (honest, Guv) to click both these links but you will be taken to different pages, and if I were a spammer …..!

Remember there is no such thing as a stupid question – Just Ask!

All the best Paul and the Team



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