Hi All,
The following is said in a suitable train announcers voice. We would like to apologise for the late running of this Penryn Camera Club newsletter. It was delayed due to engineering works in the flat, and garden of the Chairman and that after work had stopped he was in no state to write anything suitable.
I was struggling with something to say - which some of you might struggle with that concept of the chairman being speechless. I can say that it does happen, just not very often.
For those who are not living alone, which is most of the club members, count yourselves fortunate that you at least have people to speak to. For those living alone, the days might drag, but I'm sure you can find something useful to achieve. I saw an image that had been posted on the net of a building not in the UK, which had a large banner draped from one of the windows, upon which was a message which read "Husband for sale". Oops. I hope that this enforced time together has allowed everyone to take a step back from the busy lives that we live and to appreciate our family and friends a little more. I know that I have spent much time on the phone talking to many of my friends some of which like me live alone and are struggling with not beable to have a good laugh whilst visiting their mates. There was a joke posted (don't think you sent me it Victor), which stated that as there was no football on the tv, the gent had to talk to his wife. He said that he had found out that she had lost her job at Woolworth's ! For those among us who have spotless tidy homes well done you, for someone of us, this period of lockdown will have presented the perfect opportunity to do some housework. Well the Chairman who is feeling better enough to stop looking at what needs to be done, and has started doing it. The result is my flat looks less like Malcolm Drew's yard and a little more like the interiors of two club members whose are clean and tidy. However in among the detritus that has gone in the bin, I found one of my spare camera batteries that I had been looking for but couldn't find. This was a good thing, and the spare battery is now back in the camera back where it belongs. The camera that it fits has not been out in the bag in the past week.
Highlight of the week was a visit to Tesco lol and some food shopping which included the purchase of a number of creme eggs lol - yum. Perhaps if the weather allows I will venture out for some exercise and take the camera with me. With that in mind, I hope some of your are able to get out and about (current restrictions permitting).
There have for those on social media, lots of postings from photographers world wide who are still able to get out and take some inspiring images. Hopefully I can't be bothered attitude will pass and we will all beable to get out as normal, but that won't be for a few weeks yet.
I have found a couple more useful items which are included below, although considering the winner of image of the year, perhaps Amanda already knows much of this ..
I think that wraps it up for this newsletter, as I've just noticed that for someone who didn't think he had much to say this week, has written an amount.
Please stay safe, as it looks like from the tv etc, that we might be turning a corner, one hopes so. Take care and I'll catch up with you all next week.
Your chairman
Dr Keith Russ