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Newsletter #80. 24th September 2021

Editor - Derek Godridge (Back from a lively Goodwood Revival) & Paul Cooper PCC News of the Week:

Reminder – CPA 50th Anniversary Book - Please let me know by email within the next week so we can get the order in to Lorraine Robbins.

The Helston Railway trip is coming up next Thursday 30th September as per Karen’s email notification, so please be there by 12.30 as you don’t want to miss the train !


1. Don’t forget FEES are due - speak with Christine Hamshaw to pay.

2. This week was hosted a practical Camera Session with members bringing their hardware and images and asking for practical advice. It included camera settings, lens types and future purchase options through to tips on images. The evening was billed as “There is no such thing as a stupid question” because we don’t know what we don’t know and there were plenty of folk available to answer both basic and more complex questions. Images were constructively critiqued and our experts gave advice on how to bounce light into the shot to remove shadows from faces. For example: if you don’t have a reflector handy a simple piece of A4 white paper will often bounce enough light upwards to banish those pesky shadows

  1. Next week 30th Sept will be a “Show and Tell” evening with Karen, Eve and Claire D.

  2. In a couple of weeks time we have a Photoshop event with Victor so please start sorting out any images you want to work on.

  3. In 4 weeks time we have a Member’s Critique evening so if you have any images you want the club members to discuss and critique then start sorting them out.

  4. PCC 2021-2022 Programmes are still available and can be obtained from Victor.


1. The next competition is a little way off but the HAND-IN date of 28th October will soon come around so again start digging them out!

  • Ken Farnell (KF1) – Total 5 Images – Subject OPEN

  • 1 print COLOUR, 1 print MONO

  • 1 digital COLOUR, 1 digital MONO

  • 1 Off Camera with NO editing only straightening and mild cropping allowed

  • Reminder - You need to provide the Prints and Digital images along with digital COPIES (1600 x 1200 px) of the prints on a pen drive (stick) to Mandy by 28th October. If you need help sizing your images get them to Victor and he will assist.

  • It’s VERY easy to lose track of your work and the best way to keep track of your images is to create separate folders for the year, the Competition, the entry type (Digital, print, off camera etc) and there will be information uploaded to our PCC Website under “Knowledge” heading/sub heading “competition files”

Diary Dates


  • Saturday 25th September - Penryn WI Art & Craft Fair – Temperance Hall

  • Penryn CC members can display and sell work.

Cornwall Photographic Alliance (CPA)

  • FINAL CALL - 17th September hand-in for 20th November 2021 CPA Nature & Wildlife Competition. NB You upload your 6 images max. to and give your 50p/images payment to our treasurer Chris

  • Previous year’s winners are found here: http://cornwall-photographic-

  • Please click on the (safe) link below for the very latest 6th August update to the rules which are complex so ANY queries please don’t hesitate to contact DG.

Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF)

  • 9th October 2021 - WCPF Zoom Annual General Meeting 2.00 pm Zoom Afternoon Lecture by Antony PenroseSubject “Lee Miller: Witnessing Women at War”

Goodwood Revival by Derek Godridge 1

Goodwood Revival by Derek Godridge 2



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